What is Kindle Buffet?
A daily hand-picked list of temporarily free and bargain-priced Kindle books. Each of the site’s three pages display at least three freebies at the top, followed by several books discounted at least 40% off their regular price. Kindle Buffet is updated every afternoon, 7 days a week.
Why don’t you have better books — like books by my favorite author?
A relatively small amount of books are offered at special deals on any given day. Kindle Buffet sorts through these available books with a fine-toothed comb. If your favorite author or genre isn’t featured on Kindle Buffet, it’s because the author or the publisher hasn’t volunteered their books for a discount.
I was charged for a book I expected to be free.
Please verify prices on Amazon before downloading, as they sometimes change during the day without notice. In the event of an unintended purchase, Amazon will refund you within seven days if you follow these instructions.
Deals displayed on Kindle Buffet aren’t always available to customers outside the U.S.
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No personal information is collected. If you subscribe to my daily email your address will never be shared or sold.
Kindle Buffet is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program that enables me to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon.com.
Conditions of Use
Kindle Buffet is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. No warranty is provided. Please verify pricing before downloading books because pricing can change during the day. If you accidentally pay for a book, get a refund here.
Who does this?
Steve Weber, an independent author, publishes Kindle Buffet.