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Author: Blanton, Bob
First Contact Science Fiction
What would you do if you found a spaceship? Would you call the government, would you pretend you never saw it, or would you keep it a secret? What would you do with it? Use it to gallivant around the galaxy, conquer Earth, get filthy rich, or try to improve life on Earth? Read along and find out how Marc McCormack handles his discovery of a starship as he strives to convert Earth into a spacefaring world capable of defending itself before it meets the other civilizations in the galaxy. His dream, a United Earth at the forefront of an interstellar civilization. But he has to protect his discovery from the government, from criminals, from the ship’s previous crew. He and his brother start planning their next steps, but the one they don’t know how to prepare for is the arrival of Marc’s twelve-year-old daughter. She comes to spend the summer with her father. She’s very smart and extremely curious.
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Author: Ryan, P.B., Ryan, Patricia
Historical Mystery

Boston, 1868: The dawn of the Gilded Age, an era of burgeoning commerce and invention, of unimaginable new fortunes and lavish excess—for some. Born into dismal poverty, young Nell Sweeney scratches by on her wits and little else until fortune blesses her with a position as nursery governess to the fabulously wealthy Hewitts. But she soon learns that ugly secrets lurk beneath the surface of their gold-plated world.

The Hewitts’ eldest son, William, a former Union Army battle surgeon and the black sheep of the family, was reported to have died three years before in a notorious Confederate prison camp. But one snowy February afternoon, his parents learn that he is, in fact, still alive—and in jail for having murdered a man while intoxicated on opium. Infuriated by his son’s deception and convinced of his guilt, August Hewitt forbids his wife from coming to Will’s aid, so she begs Nell to help exonerate him.

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Author: G.Hobbs, Pamela
Family Drama

On a journey of healing and self-forgiveness can a famous film star hide in plain sight, find love and family, or will a dangerous stalker end all her dreams?

With all the notorious gossip on social media, the press hounding her and the fear that lives with her daily, Francesca Jones needs to go home to Ireland – specifically to the Fitzgerald family, hers by default, and lick her wounds, to grieve and maybe even heal a little. No judgement, no blame, just simple acceptance. Hang with the ‘siblings’. Dev, the younger of the Fitzgerald sons, was likely to give her grief but she’d handle that – and he’d most likely not even be there – best all around. Definitely. Either way, she knows she’ll be safe from whoever is threatening to kill her, because her ‘found family’ will have her back.

Devlin Fitzgerald has never thought of Frankie, world renowned film and stage actor, as a sister. When he does think of her, which is way too frequently, it’s with longing and an unacceptable amount of unbridled lust.

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Author: Delaney, Wendy
Cozy Culinary Mystery
Meet Charmaine Digby, human lie detector.
Char’s psyched to put her ability to the test as the County Coroner’s new investigative assistant. But she sure never expected she’d need it to solve a murder! Of course that was before she got her first assignment. Interview the hunky doctor reporting the suspicious death of Trudy, a family friend and one of several elderly patients at the hospital whose heart mysteriously stopped. Coincidence? More likely, there’s a murderer on the loose! In hot pursuit of the truth,
Char’s on the case, much to the irritation of her cop buddy, who doesn’t want her to stick her nose in his investigation. But she had better keep her eyes open or the next body on the way to the morgue could be hers!
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Author: Montclair, Keira
Scottish Highlanders Historical Romance

An abused woman. A fierce Highlander. Is he strong enough to battle the demons threatening to destroy her?

Madeline MacDonald has been a victim of her stepbrother’s cruelty ever since her parents’ death in a fire two years ago. Forced into a betrothal to a man she hates, her only way out is to escape to a convent.

Laird Alexander Grant is honor bound to rescue Maddie after seeing the bruises on her face. What he doesn’t realize is that once he holds the beaten lass in his arms, his heart will never be the same. He vows revenge for the abuse she was forced to endure and yearns to make the sweet woman with an iron will his, but can he help her fight the demons in her mind left behind by her abusers’ horrid treatment?

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Author: Hill, Elias
Jokes & Riddles

Dad jokes. They make you cringe, they make you groan but the one thing they have in common is they come from dad. Be it during a wedding toast or when introducing your dad to someone you want to impress, dad never fails to insert a dad joke wherever he can.
This dad joke book makes a great gift for the dad who has everything and has heard everything. Or maybe you want to buy it for yourself and come prepared the next time dad wants to have a joke off.

In any event, 101 So Bad, They’re Good Dad Jokes will have your eyes rolling into the back of your head faster than dad can strip to his tighty-whities on a hot summer day!

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Author: Wertheim, L. Jon
Regularly $17.99, Today $2.99
Billiards & Pool

In most sports the pinnacle is Wheaties-box notoriety. But in the world of pool, notoriety is the last thing a hustler desires. Such is the dilemma that faces one Danny Basavich, an affable, generously proportioned Jewish kid from Jersey, who flounders through high school until he discovers the one thing he excels at—the felt—and hits the road.

Running the Table spins the outrageous tale of Kid Delicious and his studly—if less talented—set-up man, Bristol Bob. Never was there a more entertaining or mismatched pair of sidekicks, as together they go underground into the flavorfully seamy world of pool to learn the art of the hustle and experience the highs and lows of life on the road. Their four-year odyssey takes them from Podunk pool halls to slick urban billiard rooms across America, as they manage one night to take down as much as $30,000, only to lose so much the next night that they lack gas money to get home.

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Author: Crenshaw, Dave
Regularly $17.99, Today $3.99
Project Management

Multitasking Doesn’t Work —Learn What Does!
“…multitasking is, in fact, a lie that actually wastes time, energy, and money. Most of all, it robs us of life and our relationships with others.” —Chuck Norris, world-renowned actor and martial artist

Through anecdotal and real-world examples, The Myth of Multitasking proves that multitasking hurts your focus and productivity. Instead, learn how to be more effective by doing one thing at a time.

Productivity and effective time management end with multitasking. The false idea that multitasking is productive has become even more prevalent and damaging to our productivity and well-being since the first edition of The Myth of Multitasking was published in 2008. In this revised and updated second edition, author and productivity expert Dave Crenshaw provides a solution for the chaos of distraction that multitasking creates —and a way to combat the temptation to constantly switch between tasks.

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Author: Wilkes, Sue
Regularly $17.99, Today $3.99
Immerse yourself in the vanished world inhabited by Austen’s contemporaries. Packed with detail and anecdotes, this is an intimate exploration of how the middle and upper classes lived from 1775, the year of Austen’s birth, to the coronation of George IV in 1820. Sue Wilkes skillfully conjures up all aspects of daily life within the period, drawing on contemporary diaries, illustrations, letters, novels, travel literature, and archives.
Were all unmarried affluent men really “in want of a wife”?
Where would a young lady seek adventure?
Would “taking the waters” at Bath and other spas kill or cure you?
Was Lizzy Bennet bitten by bed-bugs while traveling?
What would you wear to a country ball or a dance at Almack’s?
Would Mr. Darcy have worn a corset?
What hidden horrors lurked in elegant Regency houses?
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Author: Bittman, Mark
Regularly $17.99, Today $3.99
Vegetable Cooking

Kale and collards. Radicchio. Chinese cabbage. Swiss chard. Mustard greens. Broccoli raab. Arugula. Belgian endive. Greens are among our most delicious, nutritious, and versatile vegetables. All of us know we should be cooking with them, but few of us know how. In his classic Leafy Greens, bestselling author Mark Bittman shares what he knows about more than 30 common kinds of greens so you can start using them in satisfying salads, sides, and main courses every day.

Bittman will help you learn where and when to purchase them, why they’re good for you, and how to cook them in more than 120 delicious, healthy ways.

Notes from Underground (affiliate link)

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Author: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Regularly $6.99, Today $2.99
Metaphysical Fiction

Dostoevsky’s classic pitting one man against society

Widely considered to be the first existential novella, Notes from Underground presents the diary of a bitter, misanthropic man. The unnamed narrator has, in an act of supreme defiance, withdrawn from society completely. Formerly a civil servant, this “sick” and “wicked” man suffers from incurable ennui and forsakes all interaction. Rallying against what he perceives as human evils, like war, love, and utopianism, he exiles himself from all humanity in favor of exalted loneliness and suffering. Readers bear witness to the friends, lovers, and crippling social pressures of nineteenth-century Russia that made him this way.

Plastic: A Toxic Love Story (affiliate link)

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Author: Freinkel, Susan
Regularly $17.99, Today $2.99
Environmental Science

From pacemakers to disposable bags, plastic built the modern world. But a century into our love affair, we’re starting to realize it’s not such a healthy relationship. As journalist Susan Freinkel points out in this eye-opening book, we’re at a crisis point. Plastics draw on dwindling fossil fuels, leach harmful chemicals, litter landscapes, and destroy marine life. We’re drowning in the stuff, and we need to start making some hard choices.

Freinkel tells her story through eight familiar plastic objects: a comb, a chair, a Frisbee, an IV bag, a disposable lighter, a grocery bag, a soda bottle, and a credit card. With a blend of lively anecdotes and analysis, she sifts through scientific studies and economic data, reporting from China and across the United States to assess the real impact of plastic on our lives.

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