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Author: Costello, W.J.
Mystery Action Fiction
Former U.S. marshal Rip Lane lives in a motor home. He is a drifter. His only desire is to explore the country he once protected. But trouble seems to find him in every small town and every big city along the way. In Missouri he picks up a beautiful hitchhiker with a duffel full of secrets. When the woman disappears at a bus station Rip finds himself the target of mobsters. But targeting Rip is always a mistake. Because he never backs down. And he always exacts his own brand of revenge.
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Author: Blixt, David
Action & Adventure Literary Fiction

Dive into a captivating fusion of literary worlds. This masterful novel takes you on an unforgettable journey, intertwining the iconic characters of Shakespeare’s Italian plays with the real-life figures of Dante’s era, to unveil the riveting origin of the legendary Capulet/Montague feud that lies at the heart of Romeo and Juliet.

1314. Verona is a city brimming with political intrigue, forbidden love, and unrelenting vendettas. Pietro Alighieri arrives with his father, the infamous poet Dante, at the invitation of Verona’s leader, the legendary Cangrande della Scala. Cangrande is everything a man should be: Daring. Charming. Ruthless. To Pietro, he is the ideal Renaissance prince – until Pietro discovers a secret that could be Cangrande’s undoing.

Pietro is drawn into a web of deception involving Cangrande, his sister Katerina, and a star-crossed child. Meanwhile, his friends Mariotto Montecchio and Antonio Capulletto are torn as they feud over a woman.

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Author: Ryan, Carrie Ann
Second Chance, Grumpy-sunshine Small Town Romance

The Wilder brothers have retired from the military and as they’re forced to learn a new life, things get interesting fast in this kickoff to a brand new steamy, contemporary romance series from NYT Bestselling Author Carrie Ann Ryan.

One dance at a stranger’s wedding. That’s all it took for me to fall for Alexis.
And then? Disaster. Another man—her boyfriend—gets down on one knee and proposes to her.
I never thought I’d see her again.
Years later, I’m in desperate need of a wedding planner—not for myself, but for my company.
My five brothers and I need to get our new Wilder Resort off the ground, and Alexis is the only one savvy enough to help us.

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Author: Woods, Serenity
Contemporary Romance

If you write an email to a friend about a fantasy involving your gorgeous boss, don’t send it to All Staff…


It’s not easy to reinvent yourself, but my thirteen-year-old son and I are ready for a new start. Old Maggie was a magnet for disaster, but New Meg is going to be elegant, sophisticated… and blonde. I’ve landed a dream job at the other end of New Zealand as PA to three rich directors who spoil me rotten, I’ve found a beautiful new apartment, and I feel reborn.

Then I write an email to a friend describing in vivid detail what I want to do to the sexiest of the directors—involving melted chocolate and/or whipped cream—and mistakenly send it to All Staff. It turns out that New Meg is pretty much just Old Maggie with different packaging. Some things never change.

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Author: Bowlin, Chasity
Regency Historical Romance

Graham, Lord Blakemore, was believed to be lost at sea as a boy. While his mother, Lady Agatha, has never given up hope of finding her son again, others—eager for the title and the wealth that accompanies it—have been conspiring to have him declared dead against Lady Agatha’s wishes. Her only ally in the house is her late husband’s ward, Miss Beatrice Marlowe. But when a dark-haired stranger arrives on their doorstep claiming to be the lost heir to Castle Black, the plots and schemes of those who would have the castle for themselves take a dark and even more sinister turn.

An orphan when she came into the care of the late Lord Blakemore, Castle Black is the only home Beatrice has ever known. Its occupants are her family. This stranger, who claims to have lost his memory of his life there, threatens the order of all that she knows and holds dear.

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Author: McGinnis, Mark Wayne
Space Fleet Science Fiction
Lieutenant Commander Jason Reynolds has had a string of bad luck lately — evident by the uncomfortable house arrest bracelet strapped to his right ankle. Worse yet, he’s relegated to his grandfather’s old house and rambling scrapyard. To complicate things, the women in his life are pulling from every direction. But It’s through a bizarre turn of events that Jason is led to a dried-up subterranean aquifer hundreds of feet below ground. Here he discovers an advanced alien spacecraft, one that will propel his life in a new direction. The adventure begins… and with it, new troubles for Jason: The Craing, an unstoppable interstellar threat, is headed right for Earth. A desperate situation goes from bad to worse as the Alliance crumbles.

Sharks in the Rivers (affiliate link)

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Author: Limón, Ada
Regularly $14.99, Today $3.99
Poetry About Death

The speaker in this extraordinary collection finds herself dislocated: from her childhood in California, from her family’s roots in Mexico, from a dying parent, from her prior self. The world is always in motion—both toward and away from us—and it is also full of risk: from sharks unexpectedly lurking beneath estuarial rivers to the dangers of New York City, where, as Ada Limón reminds us, even rats find themselves trapped by the garbage cans they’ve crawled into.

In such a world, how should one proceed? Throughout Sharks in the Rivers, Limón suggests that we must cleave to the world as it “keep[s] opening before us,” for, if we pay attention, we can be one with its complex, ephemeral, and beautiful strangeness. Loss is perpetual, and each person’s mouth “is the same / mouth as everyone’s, all trying to say the same thing.” For Limón, it’s the saying—individual and collective—that transforms each of us into “a wound overcome by wonder,” that allows “the wind itself” to be our “own wild whisper.”

The Science of Orgasm (affiliate link)

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Author: Komisaruk, Barry R., Beyer-Flores, Carlos, Whipple, Beverly
Regularly $17.99, Today $2.99
Human Sexuality

The coauthor of the international best-selling book The G Spot and Other Discoveries about Human Sexuality, Beverly Whipple joins neuroscientist Barry R. Komisaruk and endocrinologist Carlos Beyer-Flores to view orgasm through the lenses of behavioral neuroscience along with cognitive and physiological sciences. Covering every type of sexual peak experience in women and men from intense to phantom, this fascinating and comprehensive work illuminates the hows, whats, and wherefores of orgasm.

The authors explain how and why orgasms happen, why they fail to happen, and what brain and body events are put into play at the moment of orgasm. They also describes the genital-brain connection, how the brain produces orgasms, how aging affects orgasm, and the effects of prescription medication, street drugs, hormones, disorders, and diseases.

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Author: Beaton, M. C.
Regularly $8.99, Today $1.99
Romantic Comedy

Lovely Alice Lacey is a true Incomparable, and her marriage to the Duke of Ferrant is set to be the event of the Season. No one knows that she secretly loves someone else. No one, that is, but a clever talking mynah bird who announces her intimacies at the worst possible moment!

Now Alice’s marriage is off to a decidedly frigid start, and her new husband is soon rumored to be seeing another woman. But the more her world turns inside out, the more Alice discovers that the man she thought she loved was never what he appeared to be, and the man she married is something far more than she’d hoped. Now all she must do is convince her husband that their match was meant to be . . .

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Author: Herkness, Nancy
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
Women’s Romance Fiction

Nancy Herkness invites readers back to Sanctuary, West Virginia, in Book Three of the award-winning Whisper Horse series.

Fleeing professional scandal and a broken engagement, veterinarian Hannah Linden abandons Chicago for the mountain town of Sanctuary, West Virginia, hoping to put her troubles with men and the media behind her. But when she encounters world-famous chef Adam Bosch, she finds herself increasingly drawn to the charming but darkly complex man and his troubled teenage son, Matt. Adam, a recovering alcoholic, fears he can never be a worthy father to the surly, distant boy he has just come to know, and enlists Hannah’s help in his struggle to connect with his son.

Zikora: A Short Story (affiliate link)

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Author: Ngozi Adichie, Chimamanda
Regularly $1.99, Today $0.99
Literary Short Stories

The emotional storms weathered by a mother and daughter yield a profound new understanding in a moving short story by the bestselling, award-winning author of Americanah and We Should All Be Feminists.

When Zikora, a DC lawyer from Nigeria, tells her equally high-powered lover that she’s pregnant, he abandons her. But it’s Zikora’s demanding, self-possessed mother, in town for the birth, who makes Zikora feel like a lonely little girl all over again. Stunned by the speed with which her ideal life fell apart, she turns to reflecting on her mother’s painful past and struggle for dignity. Preparing for motherhood, Zikora begins to see more clearly what her own mother wants for her, for her new baby, and for herself.

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Author: Lee, Laurie
Regularly $17.99, Today $2.99
Historical British Biographies

Three years old and wrapped in a Union Jack to protect him from the sun, Laurie Lee arrived in the village of Slad in the final summer of the First World War. The cottage his mother had rented for three and sixpence a week had neither running water nor electricity, but it was surrounded by a lovely half-acre garden and, most importantly, it was big enough for the seven children in her care. It was here, in a verdant valley tucked into the rolling hills of the Cotswolds, that Laurie Lee learned to look at life with a painter’s eye and a poet’s heart—qualities of vision that, decades later, would make him one of England’s most cherished authors.

In this vivid recollection of a magical time and place, water falls from the scullery pump “sparkling like liquid sky.” Autumn is more than a season—it is a land eternally aflame, like Moses’s burning bush.

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