Stelac Advisory Services Position in Netflix (NFLX) Cut by $1.85 Million; Cna Financial Cut Lincoln Natl In (LNC) Stake by $510,000; Valuation Declined – The EN Herald

Stelac Advisory Services Llc decreased its stake in Netflix Inc (NFLX) by 92.64% based on its latest 2018Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Stelac Advisory Services Llc sold 6,920 shares as the company’s stock rose 24.20% with the market. The institutional in…
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Tesla: High Ground Versus Low Ground

Teslas (TSLA) car demand remains the key issue. Q3 and Q4 deliveries have been pulled-forward to anticipate a halved tax credit of $3,750 on Jan. 1. Subsequently, Q1s Model S and Model X deliveries fell to 12,000 units, down 45% from Q1 ’18. Q1 Automobile rev…
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