Electronics Information – Test 1


This subtest has 16 questions and a time limit of 8 minutes

1 / 16

What does AC stand for?

2 / 16

How would adding a 20-Ω resistor in parallel with a 100-Ω resistor change the reading on an ammeter?

3 / 16

What does DC stand for?

4 / 16

What is a diode?

5 / 16

Which of the components is the symbol for a PNP bipolar transitor?



Question Image

6 / 16

What is the peak voltage of a sine wave that measures 220 VAC rms?

7 / 16

Why is it important to maintain an impedance match from the source to the load when sending signals?

8 / 16

What is the expected power level at the input to the receiver?


Question Image

9 / 16

What are some of the uses of resistors?

10 / 16

The frequency of a signal is INVERSELY proportional to which of the

11 / 16

The amount of useful output power provided by a device is 1.5 W. It is
powered by a 48-V supply with 100 mA of current. How much power is wasted in heat?

12 / 16

Which of the following is represented by the symbol XL?

13 / 16

Holding resistance constant, how does increasing current in a circuit affect voltage?

14 / 16

What does an amplifier do?

15 / 16

What device is used to convert direct current to alternating current?

16 / 16

What is voltage?

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