Electronics Information – Test 2


This subtest has 16 questions and a time limit of 8 minutes

1 / 16

What kind of diodes are commonly used as voltage references and shunt regulators for regulating voltage of small circuits?

2 / 16

What is a closed electrical circuit?

3 / 16

What is the immediate danger if a circuit breaker fails to work as expected?

4 / 16

In an electric field, in which direction do electrons move?

5 / 16

What is the function of an active component?

6 / 16

What is a measure of the rate of flow of charge of a current?

7 / 16

What is the typical power consumption of a microwave oven?

8 / 16

How many paths exist for an electrical current in a series circuit?

9 / 16

What are the three terminals of a transistor?

10 / 16

What can happen if you use a fuse of a higher current rating than required?

11 / 16

What is the safest type of household extension cord?

12 / 16

What is the function of a neutral wire?

13 / 16

What is a fuse rating?

14 / 16

What type of metal is the best conductor of electricity?

15 / 16

What is the most commonly used radio frequency of a microwave oven?

16 / 16

To measure current flowing through a component in a circuit, how should you connect the ammeter?

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