Word Knowledge – Test 3


This subtest has 16 questions and has a time limit of 8 minutes.

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1 / 16

Antigen most nearly means:

2 / 16

The design of the boat was proprietary.

3 / 16

Permutation most nearly means:

4 / 16

Symbiosis most nearly means:

5 / 16

The doctor specialized in kinesiology.

6 / 16

The comedian's jokes were sprinkled with subliminal messages.

7 / 16

As the speaker summed up his presentation, he recapitulated all of his main points.

8 / 16

The music was not of the genre I normally enjoy.

9 / 16

Even though the country was an ally, it contravened many international agreements.

10 / 16

The bureaucrat was the office's functionary.

11 / 16

Lester's point was off-topic, it was tangential.

12 / 16

The Roman officer was in charge of a centurion.

13 / 16

Construe most nearly means:

14 / 16

Alcohol, when ingested, is a known carcinogen.

15 / 16

Diverge most nearly means:

16 / 16

Transmute most nearly means:

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